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Adoption Service

Our adoption program provides the necessary services and support to families willing to provide a safe home for children from environments and circumstances that compromise their well-being. Adoption is a measure of child protection, offering a definitive family to children who, due to certain circumstances, cannot remain in their family of origin.

In every adoption process, we prioritize the best interests of the child and respect for their rights. We recognize that the healthiest thing and what a child has the right to is to be in the bosom of a FOREVER FAMILY. At Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, we are committed to Puerto Rican children and we work on their behalf with the aim of promoting their permanence in the family.


El derecho a la indentidad

Soy adoptado/a

testimonio Egresados

Mitos y realidades sobre la adopción

Comentarios intrusivos

Patria potestad y Custodia

Vidoes testimoniales

What is adoption?

As established in Law No. 61-2018, called the “PR Adoption Law”, it establishes that adoption is a solemn legal act, which involves the total rupture of the legal-family bond of a minor or an adult under the exception established in this Law, with his or her biological relationship, and the consequent affiliation of the minor with the Adopting Party, which has expressed its will for him or her to legally be his or her son or daughter.

Image by Gabe Pierce
Qué es la adopción

What laws regulate the adoption process in Puerto Rico?

  • Puerto Rico Civil Code

  • Law No. 61 of 2018: Puerto Rico Adoption Law

  • Law No. 156 of December 28, 2020 (amendment)

  • Law No. 57 of May 11, 2023: Law for the Prevention of Abuse, Preservation of Family Unity and for the Safety, Well-being and Protection of Minors

  • Children's Rights Charter.

  • Regulation 9062 of the D.F. of 2018

  • Indian Child Welfare Act

What are the steps to follow in the adoption process at HCSC?

Adoption process with Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal

  • Which children can be adopted?
    Children whose biological mother/father, faced with adverse circumstances that prevent them from parenting the child, freely and voluntarily expresses the decision that their child remains under the guardianship of the state (voluntarily renounces their homeland rights power) for subsequent delivery for adoption. Children who were removed from their family environment due to a situation of abuse, as typified in Law No. 57-2023 and their parents were deprived of parental authority, since there is no provision for them to return to that environment familiar.
  • Do adoption and/or the services offered by the Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal cost?
    Initial orientation requires a donation. Adoption in Puerto Rico is free of cost, the only thing that involves cost is your legal representation before the Court for legal adoption.
  • If I reside outside of Puerto Rico, can I adopt?
    Our license as an adoption agency allows us to work adoption processes solely and exclusively with people residing in Puerto Rico. If you reside outside of Puerto Rico, you should contact an adoption unit of the Department of the Family so they can guide you. For more information, please call the telephone numbers provided below: TELEPHONES ADOPTION UNITS TELÉFONOS UNIDADES ADOPCIÓN
  • How long does it take to complete the adoption process?
    Each case is unique, and there is no estimated time for the adoption process. The wait time is likely to be longer for those who wish to adopt only infants compared to families willing to adopt older children or adolescents.
  • If I start the adoption process with the Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, do I automatically enter the State Voluntary Adoption Registry (REVA)?
    No, Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal is a private, non-profit organization that acts as an independent adoption agency of the Department of the Family. To be part of the State Voluntary Adoption Registry (R.E.V.A.), you must seek guidance directly from the Department of the Family. It is recommended to apply for adoption at all available agencies to expand your opportunities.
  • What other services does the adoption program offer?
    Importantly, HCSC offers additional services for international adoptions. These entail a rate and you will need to contact us for more information.

Program Services

Laughing During a Meeting

Workshops and training

We offer workshops and training programs for adoptive families, covering key topics such as communication, attachment and problem solving. We provide individualized advice and emotional support throughout the process.

Reading a Book

Educational resources

We provide a variety of educational resources, including books, guides, and multimedia materials, to help adoptive families obtain information and guidance about adoption and parenting. We cover topics such as adoption preparation, child development, and emotional support.

Nursery Decor

Preparation before the placement of the minor

Before the child is placed in their adoptive home, a comprehensive service plan is developed specifically designed to support families in their adoption process.

Psychologist Session

Post-adoption support

You can count on us at all times. We offer post-adoption care service, in which you can ask all your questions and clarify any doubts that may arise in your child's adaptation process.

If you would like to educate yourself more about the topic of adoption, click here for more information on dates and registration for our upcoming workshops.

Upcoming Workshops

If you are exploring this alternative, we invite you to participate in one of our Adoption Orientations.

Adoption orientation

Educational resources

Forming a family through adoption is a different experience from the biological one; it entails challenges that can have an impact on the family system and for which it is important to be prepared. Education is a key part of a successful process for all parties. Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal provides training, tools and resources.

Adopting is a beautiful adventure of growth, but it is not without difficulties. Adoptive families must face a number of challenges. For these reasons, we have created resources aimed at those future parents who question their role and wish to increase their skills to solve the challenges that arise in parenting.

Educational resources

En este inspirador episodio del podcast "Oenegé, el Pódocast", Tatiana Pérez Rivera conversa con Kristal Torres y Madeleine Calderón, trabajadoras sociales del equipo del Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal.

Con motivo de la conmemoración del Mes de la Adopción en noviembre, las invitadas comparten su experiencia trabajando con niños y niñas puertorriqueños que forman parte del sistema de protección o han sido entregados voluntariamente. Durante la conversación, se abordan los retos, alegrías y la importancia del apoyo integral antes, durante y después del proceso de adopción, destacando cómo el Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal ha sido un pilar en la vida de cientos de menores durante más de 30 años.

Escucha este episodio lleno de aprendizajes y reflexiones sobre el impacto del tercer sector en la vida de los más vulnerables. Disponible en Spotify.

Prácticas evidenciadas

The services provided in the Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal adoption program are based on evidence-based practices, including:

Teacher and Pupil

Trust-based Relational Intervention

Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) works a trauma-informed, whole-child approach to the care of vulnerable children and youth. Based on attachment theory and developmental neuroscience. This intervention is designed to help carers see and meet the needs of the children and young people in their care. It is based on three sets of interactive principles: connect, empower and correct. For more information visit:

Child Psycholgist

Training for Adoption Competency (TAC)


Professional certified by the evidence-based practice Training For Adoption Competency (TAC). Adoption competency clinical training program for mental health professionals who work with families formed through adoption, with children and youth frequently adopted from the foster care system. These professionals can apply attachment and trauma-informed skills to address core adoption issues such as loss, grief, understanding the adoption story, identity formation, searching, and reunion.

FAQ's about adoption

  • Which children can be adopted?
    Children whose biological mother/father, faced with adverse circumstances that prevent them from parenting the child, freely and voluntarily expresses the decision that their child remains under the guardianship of the state (voluntarily renounces their homeland rights power) for subsequent delivery for adoption. Children who were removed from their family environment due to a situation of abuse, as typified in Law No. 57-2023 and their parents were deprived of parental authority, since there is no provision for them to return to that environment familiar.
  • Do adoption and/or the services offered by the Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal cost?
    Initial orientation requires a donation. Adoption in Puerto Rico is free of cost, the only thing that involves cost is your legal representation before the Court for legal adoption.
  • If I reside outside of Puerto Rico, can I adopt?
    Our license as an adoption agency allows us to work adoption processes solely and exclusively with people residing in Puerto Rico. If you reside outside of Puerto Rico, you should contact an adoption unit of the Department of the Family so they can guide you. For more information, please call the telephone numbers provided below: TELEPHONES ADOPTION UNITS TELÉFONOS UNIDADES ADOPCIÓN
  • How long does it take to complete the adoption process?
    Each case is unique, and there is no estimated time for the adoption process. The wait time is likely to be longer for those who wish to adopt only infants compared to families willing to adopt older children or adolescents.
  • If I start the adoption process with the Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, do I automatically enter the State Voluntary Adoption Registry (REVA)?
    No, Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal is a private, non-profit organization that acts as an independent adoption agency of the Department of the Family. To be part of the State Voluntary Adoption Registry (R.E.V.A.), you must seek guidance directly from the Department of the Family. It is recommended to apply for adoption at all available agencies to expand your opportunities.
  • What other services does the adoption program offer?
    Importantly, HCSC offers additional services for international adoptions. These entail a rate and you will need to contact us for more information.
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